CES 2019 on Day 2: Here are your Snack-Size Tech Tidbits

CES Day 2 and the tech keeps coming. Every day I bring you the latest from CES in snack-size bits so you can quickly get updated and have the news to use without cramming hundreds of news sites!
Here are some of my Tech Tidbits on day 2 of CES 2019:
Let’s talk about audio.
Audio is a big theme this year at CES where many brands have finally realized that our ears are unique so we all experience sound differently. Sound is directional and special so just having sound blast through our headphones is actually not a great experience.
Enter Super X Fi to transform our sound forever.
Super X Fi is a small device that plugs into your phone via USB and then into your headphones via the headphone jack. You then download an app and create a sound profile by taking pics of your ears and your face. Yes – pictures of your ear and your face! The software then creates a sound profile for you that best optimizes how you would experience sound together with the headphones that you are using.
Switch on the device, press play and prepare to be blown away.
Sound just fills your head as if there is no headphone as comes to life. The best bit is that the source of the sound can be at the high end of 7.1 Dolby Surround sound, or as low end mono sound from YouTube – this device just amplifies the sound and makes it come alive.
Check them out at https://us.sxfi.com/
More Sound Stuff
While on the topic of sound BeyerDynamic has noise canceling headphones that uses science algorithms to create a personalized sound profile for you. Therefore, whenever you use the headphones the sound is augmented and the outside world’s noises disappears. They also have a high-end microphone and headset combination for all those gamers, streamers and podcasters out there.
Check them out at : https://north-america.beyerdynamic.com/
Retro is BACK
Remember going up to an arcade as a kid and inserting a quarter and playing a video game?
Now you can roll back those years and get your own arcade at home from Arcade1up. With games like Pac Man, Space Invaders, 1944 and many more, you can teleport back in time and relive those Player 1 vs Player 2 moments. Some of the arcades include 2 games while others include 4 retro games that you can enjoy today and share your love of the games with your kids (also lets them see how we didn’t all grow up with games on our phones to play wherever and whenever we wanted – we had to earn money to play…)
Check them out at: http://Arcade1up.com
Low Tech is cool too
If you have a feeling Alexa is spying on your conversation, then check out the MUTE+ from https://mysmartelife.com. You place the MUTE+ on Alexa and when you enable it and set the timer, Alexa essentially become “deaf” so you can have your conversation without worrying about Alexa listening in.
From the same company, you can get PLUGGITS. These are cute animal shaped accessories that you put over your cell phone wall charger and now you can identify which one is yours. They come in various animal shapes and now your kids can’t fight about who’s charger is whose.
So a great mix of really awesome tech – now lets head out into Day 3 of CES 2019 and if you missed day 1 at CES here is the link to that.
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