Twitter Storm is now easier with the new Add Another Tweet feature

Twitter Storm is now easier with the new Add Another Tweet feature

It’s known as a Twitter Storm.

This is a term where someone on Twitter just tweets up a storm about a particular topic. A Twitter Storm can be a rant about the latest political events or Tweeting information from a Keynote speaker at a conference event.

Recently Twitter has increased the character count from 140 to 280 which has allowed people to tweet less but say more in each tweet and therefore the Twitter Storms have subsided.

However, today I notice a new button added to Twitter called “add another tweet” which is what Twitter calls a Thread.
So now when you have the urge to Storm, you no longer need to press Reply to your own Tweet just so you can link together your thoughts. adding a thread means that your first couple of tweets will be seen in the timeline and the rest will be hidden until they are expanded.

How to use the Twitter Thread? Just click the big PLUS button and you will be prompted to add other tweets:

While most people don’t like to Tweet-Storm the option is there if you want it.

Read More on Twitter Blog here


Liron Segev - TheTechieGuy

Liron Segev is an award-winning tech blogger, YouTube strategist, and Podcaster. He helps brands tell their stories in an engaging way that non-techies can relate to. He also drinks way too much coffee! @Liron_Segev on Twitter