I am a human selfie stick

“Last year for Christmas I actually got her a selfie stick and then she got mad at me because she thought I was just trying to get out of taking photos. Of course I’m trying to get out of taking your f***ing photo!!”
Behind every great Instagram account is a guy who snap the photo. If you are one of those guys, check out this Instagram Husband video (thanks Tanya Kovarsky for the link) :
The video refers you to the InstagramHusband.com website where help is available in the form of Support Groups and Treatments [no spoilers so go and click around]. There is a also a section on how to approach your wife to discuss the “situation” with her:
Don’t be afraid of confrontation. You can approach your Instagram Wife with your feelings. However, do so with caution.
1. Invite your wife into reality saying, “Honey, it’s me, Brian, the guy from the other side of the camera, your husband. I invite you to step out of frame, and into reality.”
2. Repeat Step 1, only louder.
3. Touch her hand as a gentle reminder of the physicality of real life. She may be shocked at the feeling of something that is not glass and/or plastic, re-entering reality is not easy.
4. Speak in words she will understand, “Honey, I feel like I’m living my life in Willow, and I want it to be Lo-Fi.” You don’t have to know what that means, she will.
5. Hold the phone out to your side, this will force her to look into your eyes, as she is trained to look away from the phone.
6. She will want to take a picture of this poignant moment. Now is the chance to use your new boldness. Say, “No. Honey, no.” This will be difficult, but stay strong.
7. She may not be able to change immediately, have patience. Hide all of her shoes.
8. If she does not respond positively, throw a well-presented plate of quinoa on the ground and run. She will not be able to resist a pic, giving you a great head start.
The Parody
The guys behind this video and website are the same people who run The Mystery Hour which started as an improve theatre of a fake TV show. The show has grown tremendously to be a hit with an Emmy win, 3 Emmy Nominations, and TV syndication. The show is hosted by Jess Houghton and features guests, music, and comedy.
Another great way to get exposure with a viral video.
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