How to change your Facebook password and secure your account

Is your Facebook profile secure? Let me ask you this: Would you be comfortable snapping pictures of your kids in the pool or your portable hot tub and sharing them with complete strangers around the world telling them your kids names and where they go to school? Would you be comfortable telling strangers where you are going on vacation and how long you will be away for? Would you be comfortable having strangers read your personal views on politics, your boyfriend/ girlfriend/ husband/ wife/ family?
My guess is no and yet it is now nearing the end of 2018 and still amazing how many Facebook accounts are set to public so anyone can see everything that is posted!
How sure are you that your Facebook profile is set to private? How sure are you that your Facebook account is secure and no one can clone it or look at your pics?
If you are not sure then this is for you.
How to change your Facebook password and secure your account:
See also: How to stop Facebook video sound from automatically playing