Gryphon Guardian – take control your kid’s online activities

This post is sponsored. As usual, 100% of this is my own opinion and views
It’s currently Spring Break for my kids which usually means a week of activities that include catching up on movies, reading books, hanging out with friends and of course YouTube and TikTok.
After working hard at school, they need a break to decompress and not focus on assignments and tests, but I do worry about how much time they spend online. In fact, I worry that all of us, myself included, spend way too much time online especially right before bed – and then we complain about ruining our eyes and that we cant get a good night’s sleep!
So what can be done? How can we, as parents, take control of our kid’s online activities without being invasive? How can we ensure that they have a balance between real-world activities and online while being stuck at home?
This where tech comes to help with the solution from Gryphon Guardian.
When I first started working with Gryphon, I was all excited about how fast the Mesh WiFi is and just how incredibly easy it was to set up security so no creeps can spy on our family via our smart cameras. But the one element that I keep going back to again and again is the Parental Controls.
It’s the first solution I have tested that really does offer non-techie parents the ability to take control. You can not only block dodgy websites, but you can limit screen time, restrict access to apps and even set bedtime and homework routines – all via the app.
How does Gryphon Guardian work?
When you set up the system, it replaces your existing WiFi with a Mesh WiFi system. This means you will get faster connectivity as the data is managed in a better way. It also means that all your devices such as phones, tablets, gadgets, smart home plugs, smart tv and anything else will simply connect via the Guardian.
You can create groups and you can put devices into these groups. Each group will have its own rules. For example: If you create a Parents Group, you can allow that group to have full internet access. If you create a Kids group, you can place all your kid’s devices into that group and now that groups can have their own rules.
The rules will either allow or not allow internet access and this where parents start taking control!
Features every parent should know with the Gryphon Guardian:
Set Schedules
One element that is very important in the household is having routines. When the kids come home from school, they eat some lunch, they relax for a while, then start homework, dinner time, shower, more me-time if homework is done and then bed.
When the kids are older this routine is easier (not easy) to maintain. However, younger kids aren’t so excited to stop their TikToks or Facetimes and get started on their homework.
With the Guardian, I love the ability to set:
- Homework Time: You can block specific times during the day and designate those as Homework time. During this time, internet access is restricted to education only websites. Social media apps are blocked from accessing the internet. Should your child need a website that was blocked, they simply click on a button and you get a notification on your phone. You can decide if you want to unblock that site or not.
- Dinner Time: We know the famous call “kids its dinner time” only to hear “just a couple of minutes left on my video”….with the Guardian, this is no longer an issue. Set time for Dinner and suspend the internet.
- Bed Time: we all know that we shouldn’t be on our phones right before bed, however, we do it anyways. The Guardian allows you to set bedtime during which you can restrict apps, limit internet access and essentially force yourself to put the phone down and pick up a book instead.
Suspend the Internet
Sometimes there is a need to just bring everything to a halt – ever tried leaving the house for a dentist appointment and no one is budging? When you click the suspend button, everything grinds to a halt and they magically emerge from their rooms.
What is also great about the way that Gryphon Guardian handles time-based events, is that they can be different during the weekday and weekends. This really does let you customize your household’s online activities as you need to.
Content Filtering
We all know there is so much that our kids should not be exposed to, with the Guardian’s built-in content filtering, you can automatically block those dodgy sites. Each site is also ranked with a reputation rating so you can decide what is acceptable and what is not.
Safe Searches
While many apps have a “safe searching” option so that inappropriate content is automatically blocked, it is up to the account holder (or the parent) to enable that in the app or service. But with the central control of the Guardian, you can enable Safe Searches to filter out those results.
So in Summary:
The Gryphon Guardian is packed with many rich features and we have only just scratched the surface. What had me excited about this product is how it keeps evolving to keep up with the new technology, social media and various apps that are emerging. Therefore, even a non-technically savvy parent, is able to stay on top of their kid’s activities without invading their privacy.
For more information, check out the Gryphon Guardian’s website or get your family the safety and control you need right here on Amazon