80000 photos make up this stunning time-lapse video that only a few get to experience

I love time-lapse photography. It’s a superb way to speed up time and is commonly used to bypass the “boring bits” of a video or a way to illustrate the changing scenery or the mass movement of people in a set area. The time-lapse is achieved by snapping a photograph every set number of seconds or minutes and then putting all the images together into a video format so it seems like time is sped up.
What happens when you snap 80 000 photos of your journey at sea to form a time-lapse video?
This is exactly what Jeffrey did while being aboard a cargo ship. Jeffrey captured the journey over 30 days from the Red Sea, to Gulf of Aden to Indian Ocean to Colombo to Malacca Strait to Singapore to South East China Sea and finally Hong Kong.
Describing his journey Jeffrey wrote:”Sailing in the open ocean is a unique feeling and experience.I hope to capture and share it for everyone to see. ” and that he did.
Check out this stunning time-lapse video as he captured the stunning night sky, storms, sunrises and just amazing capture of the world we live in:
Equipment used:
D750 camera and a Rokinon 12mm f/2.8 lens, Jeffrey mounted the equipment on his tripod and secured it with ropes and tape which can be seen in this Instagram pic:
Don’t forget to follow him on Instagram and YouTube and if you want to know how to shoot time-lapse, check this out