3 reasons to be excited about the Nintendo Switch gaming console

Finally, it’s here – the new Nintendo console that we have been waiting for and no. It’s not yet another tablet. Originally codenamed Nintendo NX, the new gaming console has thankfully had a name change to Nintendo Switch and from the trailer’s first glance, it looks incredible:
In my family, we are Nintendo console mad! We have several consoles from the 2D, 3D, 3D XL and even a 3D XL USA version so could play the US content. Now that the Nintendo Switch is unveiled there are 3 reasons to be excited about the Nintendo Switch gaming console:
1. Multiplayer – often we find ourselves in a situation where both the kids want to play the same game. A dilemma that requires FBI-negotiation skills to manage the crises – especially on a long road trip. The multiplayer option looks like a fantastic way to get everyone into the same game and complete those missions together.
2. Home to Mobile to Home – the ease of switching between the home mode and mobile mode is fantastic. No wires to unplug, no crawling behind the cabinet. Just grab and go. When returning home, simply place back in the docking station. That’s the ease of use we want.
3. Joy-Con Controllers – the ability to have the controllers attached to the Switch keeps the Nintendo’s A, B, X, Y button format giving you that hard-click. This is something that you don’t get when playing games on a tablet or a phone. They look incredibly versatile in their ability to be played in various positions and even clipped together. There is also a more traditional gaming controller the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller.
We still don’t know some important information. The Price, if the Switch will have the features such as 3D, Amiibo and NFC support or now long the battery will last. The press release concluded with :”Full game demonstrations, the list of launch window titles, as well as launch date, product configuration and related specifics will be shown and announced prior to the March launch.”
So for now – we wait until March…
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