Top 5 Time Management Apps to help you structure your day

Regardless of how much money you have, where in the world you live, time is the one element we can’t buy. We all have the exact same 24 hours in a day and yet some people seem to never have enough of it while others seem to achieve so much.
The key difference is being able to manage the time you have to achieve as much as possible.
Regardless if you are a student trying to get help with your EssayOnTime or a business person trying to automate your data for your reports, learning how to divide up the hours in the day to achieve maximum productivity is a key skill we all need to master. I highly recommend checking out Productivityist but in the meantime, check out some of these apps that can help you structure your day.
Top 5 Time Management Apps:
A major means of communication in the corporate world is multiple emails and social media accounts. This means constantly logging in and out of account which is a time-suck (not to mention just irritating.)
Shift is a desktop tool that organizes all your accounts in one place and allows for easy switching from one account to the other rather than shuffling in and out of other account platforms. It also incorporates apps like Trello, Calendly, etc.
2. Wunderlist
Wunderlist is one of the best daily planner apps that allow business owners to create numerous daily or weekly tasks. With Wunderlist, you can schedule events, activity reminders, write notes, and set deadlines.
It allows for automatic synchronization with your email account. It can also be used to delegate tasks to employees or business partners and track down their progress over time.
Wunderlist app is easily accessible on any phone, tablet or desktop.
3. RescueTime
RescueTime is an accountability app that allows business owners to eliminate distractions by keeping track of how much time they spend online or on other apps to achieve maximum productivity. It is an excellent way of understanding one’s behavioral pattern. RescueTime helps a business owner to organize and schedule his time effectively, helps you to stay accountable to yourself at the end of the day,
4. Atracker
Atracker is one of the time management apps that allows you to effectively monitor your time with an in-depth analysis of how you spent it. Its friendly interface allows you to keep notes, assignments, schedule events, have a to-do-list and set alarms
5. MyLifeOrganized
Just as the name implies, MyLifeOrganized organizes every activity and progress. It has a friendly interface which allows you to break down big tasks into easier subtasks to encourage and motivate you into making progress. It can also serve as a to-do list.