Tandem bicycles and couples tattoos is what the US searched for leading up to Valentine’s Day

Regardless if you are on the “I love Valentine’s Day” team or then “Hate it – pass the wine” team, there is no denying that Valentine’s Day is a money spinner. From heart shaped anything, to lingerie to romantic weekends away, there is money to be made in this globally celebrated holiday.
So what are people buying for their significant other on Valentine’s Day ?
You can buy this heart shaped glove for $18 or heart ring holder or if that is not for you, here are some ideas from the various US states. According to a post on the estately.com website which looked at Google Trends, here is a list of what Americans searched for leading up to the special day. Some notables are Couples Tattoos, Gift Cards, Tandem Bicycles, Romantic Novels and the usual Adam & Eve/ Adult Toys :