Reboot your phone NOW!

When was the last time you actually rebooted your phone? If you’re like most people, you probably leave it on 24/7, plugged in at night and rarely giving it a rest.

While this might seem harmless, rebooting your phone regularly is crucial for both its security and performance. Regularly rebooting your phone can help protect your personal information and keep your device running smoothly. 

Security: Why the NSA Recommends Weekly Reboots

The National Security Agency (NSA) itself recommends rebooting your phone weekly. This advice comes from a document outlining best practices for protecting personal devices and information.

The document includes common sense security measures like disabling Bluetooth when not in use, avoiding public Wi-Fi, and using strong passwords. But nestled among these tips is the recommendation to power your device off and on weekly.

So why does the NSA, an organization known for its focus on cybersecurity, suggest this simple action? The answer lies in the complex world of mobile phone exploits and malware.

Zero-Click Exploits: The Invisible Threat

One of the most serious threats to mobile phone security is something called a “zero-click exploit.” Unlike traditional malware that requires you to click on a suspicious link or download a malicious app, zero-click exploits can compromise your device without any action on your part.

These exploits are often chained together, with one breaking through a security layer and another burrowing deeper into your phone’s system. This can allow attackers to steal your photos and videos, access your banking information, track your location, or even activate your phone’s microphone and camera without your knowledge.

How Rebooting Breaks the Chain

Rebooting your phone can help disrupt these chained exploits. When you reboot, the phone’s memory is cleared, and any running processes are terminated. This effectively breaks the chain of exploits, acting as a reset button that helps keep your phone secure. 

Performance: A Fresh Start for Your Phone

Rebooting your phone also offers significant performance benefits. Just like a computer, your phone has RAM (Random Access Memory), which is used to store data that needs to be accessed quickly. 

Over time, the constant reading and writing of data to the RAM can slow down your phone’s performance. While phones are designed to manage RAM efficiently, not all apps are created equal. Some apps may not be optimized for efficient RAM usage, leading to unnecessary processes and background activity that consume valuable memory.

Rebooting your phone clears the RAM, ending unnecessary processes and giving your phone a fresh start. This is why your phone often feels snappier and more responsive after a reboot. 

Network Refresh

Another performance benefit of rebooting is related to your phone’s network connection. Your phone is constantly sending and receiving data, even when you’re not actively using it. This can sometimes lead to network issues like slow data speeds or dropped calls.

Rebooting forces your phone to reconnect to the nearest cell tower, establishing a fresh connection with your network provider. This can often resolve network-related issues and improve your overall connectivity.

How Often Should You Reboot?

The NSA recommends rebooting your phone weekly, but there’s no hard and fast rule. It only takes a couple of minutes, and the benefits for both security and performance are significant. The key is to make it a regular habit, just like charging your phone or brushing your teeth.

Some people might worry about being unreachable during the brief time it takes to reboot their phone. However, it’s important to remember that rebooting only takes a minute or two. You can always choose a time when you know you won’t be expecting any urgent calls or messages.

So in Summary 

Our phones hold a wealth of personal and sensitive information. Rebooting your phone regularly is a simple yet effective way to enhance your security and keep your device running at its best. By making this small effort, you can disrupt potential threats, clear out unnecessary clutter, and enjoy a smoother, more responsive phone experience. 


Liron Segev - TheTechieGuy

Liron Segev is an award-winning tech blogger, YouTube strategist, and Podcaster. He helps brands tell their stories in an engaging way that non-techies can relate to. He also drinks way too much coffee! @Liron_Segev on Twitter