Tech Support

If ymwc Blue Logoou are stuck with a tech issue that you just simply can not figure out, you have come to the right place!

I have partnered with My Computer Works who are ready to answer your tech questions for FREE

Seriously. No obligation. No credit card is required. No catch.

You have 2 tech support options:

Email your questions for FREE tech support


Get IMMEDIATE and UNLIMITED tech help whenever you call  (800)741-2465 ($29.99 / month)

Sign up today call (800)741-2465 to fix your tech right now!


Submit Your Free Tech Query Here:

Simply complete the form below with as much info as possible about your issue and you will get a reply within 24 hours!


Call us on (800)741-2465 and we can fix it for you!

Let’s be honest, sometimes its just easier to talk with a human technician. You can explain your problem and they can either guide you on how to fix the issue yourself or they can fix it for you.

So if you would like to talk to a real technician (not a BOT) then call My Computer Works on: (800) 741-2465

Note: for obvious reasons, there is a fee for this bit starting at $29.99