4 Netflix Chrome Extensions you should download right now

4 Netflix Chrome Extensions you should download right now

Who doesn’t love Netflix? hours and hours of movies, season after season of the best shows and all that helps keep us a little bit sane while we are stuck at home during these insane times.

One of the cool things about Netflix is that you can watch it on various platforms. You can watch it on your Smart TV, on your tablet, your computer and even on your phone. This means that you can take the watching experience with you wherever you happen to be.

I like to watch Netflix on my computer while I am doing some work so I discovered 4 various Netflix Chrome Extensions that really make Netflix even more epic!

What is a Chrome Extension?

Chrome is a web browser that you use to browse the internet. App developers are able to build entire applications that work within the web browser. At work, vidIQ has an entire system that helps YouTubers with their analytics – all of those functions “live” inside the browser. That got me thinking if there are any Netflix Extensions that can help with our viewing experience.


4 Netflix Chrome Extensions you should download right now

Netflix Party:

As we are currently staying at home (#StayHome) it means that we can no longer have friends come over and binge watch some Netflix. So no more comments from the “movie-experts”, no more sarcastic jabs at the plotline, no more “oh the book was so much better”. All the makings of a great evening out with friends.

While not exactly the same, you can re-create that “watching together” vibe by heading over to NetflixParty.com and installing the Chrome Extension. What this does is enable you to send your friends a special URL. One they click on that URL you will all watch the same movie at the same time. You will also be able to chat with the group while the movie is playing!

what is netflix party

Chrome Extension Installation:  https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/picture-in-picture-for-ev/hepbieccgbieoeaigepkojmogpkjfpin?hl=en


Ever tried to get some work done while having a Netflix movie playing? It’s almost impossible. You need to keep that Netflix window open and move it around your screen while moving your work to the front… aaarrgggg – it’s a clumsy nightmare.

You need to install the Picture-In-Picture by Google Extension. What this does is allow you to put Netflix into a little window that you can drag around your screen and it always stays on top of whatever you have going on.

Chrome Extension Installation: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/all-netflix-categories/fkjmbiakdlohkehbmcoalflelnbhpkpl?hl=en

Netflix Categories:

We know about Netflix not-so-secret categories which allow you to view only movies in a specific genre. There are a bazzilion categories and its impossible to know all the codes for each one. So this is where you install the Netflix Categories Extension which shows you all the genres in a simple list that you can click.

netflix categories

Chrome Extension Installation: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/all-netflix-categories/fkjmbiakdlohkehbmcoalflelnbhpkpl?hl=en

Netflix Extended:

We all know about the built-in keyboard shortcuts that Netflix has:

  • F = fullscreen
  • Esc = exit full-screen
  • M = Mute
  • Up Arrow Key = volume up
  • Down Arrow Key = volume down
  • Arrow Right = fast forward 10 seconds
  • Arrow Left = rewind 10 seconds
  • Spacebar = start/ stop

While I love these, what I really want is the option to go to the next episode in the series or the previous episode – this isn’t possible.

Well, if you install the Netflix Extended, you can configure a bunch of keys to do that!

Chrome Extension Installation: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/netflix-extended/gjcgfkhgpaccjpjokgpekpgpphgaanej


Liron Segev - TheTechieGuy

Liron Segev is an award-winning tech blogger, YouTube strategist, and Podcaster. He helps brands tell their stories in an engaging way that non-techies can relate to. He also drinks way too much coffee! @Liron_Segev on Twitter